Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I M 4 Rlz

^^^translation: I am for reals.

With that out of the way, in the last post I made about vegetarianism, it was more of a "I'll try," "hopefully" kind of thing. Well, in the words of Yoda, "Do or do not; there is no try." And I am doing. Meaning, I am now "officially" (whatever that means) a vegetarian. Eating meat is a no-no for me nowadays. But I'm not going to eat that stupid imitation meat crap; most of the ones I've tried taste like crap. And that's just lame. Tofu, beans, etc is where it's at.

Today I was riding my bike from my house to Port Angeles, and I passed a field of cows. I stopped by one that was near the fence; its eyes were absurdly pretty. I couldn't eat that! Meat doesn't look appealing to me anymore, especially the more it looks like part of an animal's body. That was part of what made meat okay to eat before; often it didn't look like a creature's flesh. But now I'm forcing myself to think about the fact that it IS a creature's flesh, and I shouldn't be eating it. Or at least, I don't think I should be. I have too many other options, to the point that I do not feel comfortable eating an animal.

As a disclaimer... if some sort of apocalypse or complete societal breakdown were to happen, and my options became more limited... I would likely eat meat. But I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.



  1. Jon -- I have to recommend my favorite cookbook. It's called "Feeding the whole family" and a lot of the text is focused on getting kids to eat well, but the recipes are some of the BEST recipes ever. It's also not totally vegetarian, but MOST of it is and it has some of my very favorite recipes ever. I cook out of it all the time. Tempeh tacos, Lemon garlic quinoa salad, and a great recipe for seitan, just to mention a few of my favorites. It also has some nice definitions of different ingredients that you may not be familiar with and their health benefits. Buy the first edition with the purple cover, not the new one as the new one is more meat oriented and skips some of the best recipes.

    -- Andy (hope you are enjoying summer!)

  2. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll look into it!

