Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finally In Over My Head

Well, well, well. It has been a while (but it's been even longer for Elie).

So it's my third year of college. My second year in the music program. It is kicking my ass. But it's not just the classes; I made the very unintelligent decision of committing to all of the following things, none of which I want to give up, very few of which I CAN give up any time soon:

-17 credits of classes (all music) (=8 classes total)
-Also playing on one piece in WWU Symphony Orchestra (not for credit)
-Secretary of WWU chaper of SWEA
-Vice-President of WWU chapter of CMENC
-Active member of SEE
-Volunteer DJ at KUGS 89.3 FM
-Percussionist in Whatcom Wind Ensemble
-Drummer in Viking Band/Drumline
-Hopefully playing in percussion ensemble
-Volunteer at Amy's Place for Youth
-Half of VR Trainers
-Soon to be employed by CFPA as stage tech
-Having a girlfriend that I want to see and hang out with sometimes
-Keeping my sanity

That last one is looking to be the one that will most likely be dropped in the coming months. In all seriousness, next quarter I will have to drop something. It will probably be Whatcom Wind Ensemble and KUGS. Possibly also SEE. Having a girlfriend isn't going to be dropped in the foreseeable future.

Anyways, I'm losing my mind. I can't concentrate, I'm sleeping less, I'm forgetting shit everywhere I go, I'm not putting as much time into a lot of things as I should... which is why I'm ending this blog now, doing laundry, cleaning my room, going to campus to practice, coming back and assembling a newsletter, renewing my subscriptions to MENC and SWEA, practicing conducting, eating something... I need to do that now.


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