Friday, September 18, 2009

L'Shana Tova

Happy (Jewish) new year! And now for a Passover pun: why is this new year different from all other new years? Well, this year, I actually want to make a resolution; I want to make myself and my life better than it ever has. My resolution is to stress and worry less and to just try to be happy.

It's always smart to make some steps of how you're going to accomplish your goal, and I guess I don't really have a list. Thus far, it's helped to tell myself that whatever I'm worrying about, it's not a huge deal. For example, I started to stress about my audition, and then I told myself that it really doesn't impact my life a huge deal if I don't get into wind symphony. I'm concentrating on becoming a teacher, not a professional clarinetist. Whatever happens, I'll deal.

This new year is also different from all other new years because I'm starting off this year with going to Bellingham/my new apartment on the first full day of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year). When spring quarter ended last school year, I was involved in a lot of campus activities, but this year I want to be more involved, and, most importantly, I want to help people - specifically children. I've decided that one day I'll change the world by first helping the education system and the children within, and I'm going to start helping by tutoring and mentoring while learning all I can about educational inequality and educating others about it. In essence, I've found what I love (teaching and learning about teaching) and I plan to do all I possibly can in that field - starting on Sunday with a club meeting.

I start my life anew this year, and it shall be excellent.


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