Monday, May 17, 2010

Imagine Shakespeare Got Drunk...

Think about what would happen if Shakespeare got completely wasted. I mean like his friends are considering taking him to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. But right before his liver just about exploded, he wrote the worst piece of shit script his inebriated brain could possibly concoct. Now imagine Uwe Boll found this script and translate it into modern (awful) English and set it in modern-day San Francisco. While also drunk. And then decided to produce a movie using said script. Now imagine a freshman at a rather unprestigious film school was ordered to direct this movie (also while drunk), and given a cast of actors who had only acted one time each, all in either soap operas or WE/Hallmark/Lifetime movies. Except the lead role, which was given to a French homeless guy.

This is what the movie The Room is like. It's magnificent. You must watch it.


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