Monday, December 21, 2009

My Pants Fit

Yup. My pants stay on my waist without having to use a belt that's too big. In fact, the buckle now fits into one of the actual holes on the belt, not one I had to make myself because I needed a smaller belt. This is not a good sign. This isn't a blog about a crazy teenage girl complaining about how fat she is, but I am gaining weight and I'm not okay with it.

My weight gain is probably due to my lack of exercise. I do absolutely none of it except for walking to classes and to and from my apartment to campus. And stress. Especially this past quarter, I've done so much sitting and reading and writing and stressing. Plus, I hate exercising. Absolutely hate it. Last year I forced myself to sign up for a jogging class at Western, but once I started running, I had shoulder problems. Yup. Shoulder problems from running. Thank you, messed up back. And speaking of my back, the exercises that I can actually do are severely limited, and the only type of exercise I'll actually do, jogging/running, will make me hurt more. Why do the health gods hate me?

At any rate, shoulder problems or no shoulder problems, I'm going to make myself start running when I get to Western. I'd start now, while I'm in the lovely land of Grays Harbor, but I don't have running shoes or sweat pants. But I'll do it. I'm not just sayin'. The fact that my pants actually fit has scared me into realizing that my health is declining quickly (well, more quickly than I thought) and that I need to do something. Of course, running won't solve all my problems, and might make them worse, but it's something. That way I can say I actually tried.


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