Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Of Fish and Men

As I've been telling everybody who comes within earshot of me, I recently bought a Betta fish. Since I've always grown up with animals (cats, dogs, fish, a parakeet), I felt a void in my life when I moved away from my home in McCleary because I didn't have any pets besides spider plants.

So I finally went out and bought a fish. I know that he's just a fish, but I love Frederick (my fish). Having a living, moving creature changes the whole mood of my room. Even though he's terribly distracting, watching him makes me calmer, aside from the fact that I'm terrified that he'll suddenly die out of nowhere. That fear was caused by my killing my roommate's fish - on accident!

As I watch Frederick, I wonder about the ethics of keeping fish. Wouldn't all fish be happier living in the ocean or lakes or whatever they're from? Do they mind being kept in small bowls? I'd imagine that they'd prefer larger spaces in which to swim, which is why I bought a fairly large, half-gallon bowl. But is he happy? Is it cruel to keep fish as pets? It's not like we provide joy for them as humans can for cats and dogs. Or are fishes' brains too minute to comprehend happiness?


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