Monday, May 25, 2009

Oh, the Places You'll Go

Guess it's my turn to write.

First of all, I'm SUPER happy for Jon who just got into the music program. :]

Let's see - I, too, obtained an apartment with Villa Bonita. I'm going to go give the landlord the deposit on Wednesday; then it'll be ours! Mwah ha ha ha. "Ours" meaning mine and Ashley's. So that's a huge weight off my shoulders.

The SWEA spring conference happened and went decently, but now I'm convinced that I'll have a load of trouble finding a job because I'll only be endorsed to teach the humanities, and I'll have a useless minor in music. So why am I minoring in music and not something more useful? Well, that's a good question, my friend. I'll be spending a significant amount of time for at least 4 quarters just to do music theory and a few music electives, not to mention band and lessons. The answer is simple: I love the clarinet, and it's necessary for me to understand music theory and stick with lessons in order to be a better clarinetist, which has been a goal of mine for nearly 9 years. Also, I know I'll be with a performing group of some sort after college and probably for the rest of forever. I was seriously considering ducking out of the music program and not doing a music minor, but then I went to practice for my clarinet jury a few hours ago, and, once again, I realized how much I love that accursed instrument, and I know I'll never be able to stop playing. I know that taking many music classes will help me dramatically, and I'll thank Allah that I stuck with it. ...I hope...)

So I still face the problem of maybe not being able to get a job after I graduate. I'll be able to each English and social students and possibly history, and I'm thinking about minoring (a third minor (1 in music, another as a secondary endorsement in English, and another for TESOL)) in teaching English as a second language, because those teachers are in high demand. But, I'd have to take a year's worth of Spanish classes plus 27 additional credits for the minor itself. It's a very small minor, but on top of everything else I'm doing, it's pretty ridiculous. Maybe I should go back and get that minor/major after I graduate? Or maybe I'll just spend 7 years in college?

Furthermore, I was GOING to take 18 credits next fall, but I'm having great difficulty getting into the classes I need. It's all very frustrating. Music 205 is filled and archaeology is filling up quickly, and I can't find any classes to take in place of them, except for a stats class which is taught by a demon professor. So I don't know what to do. I already e-mailed the archaeology professor, and I can't take any other anthropology courses because they're not offered yet, at least not to non-majors. *sigh*

And now, my dog either has terrible arthritis in her hip or she has cancer. Either way, her time is limited, and, well, I can't really think about it now.



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