Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sunburns suck. HARD. Especially showering with sunburns. Especially if your face is sunburned, because then you wash your face and it's painful, but if you don't wash your face it feels all gross. GAH.

So, some of my views on alcohol. Some have been not-so-recently realized, others rather recently realized, but I'm putting them all here anyways.

1. I don't like the taste of alcohol. I don't buy "It's an acquired taste." I think that basically means "I sacrifice good taste for getting shit-faced." [Ha, rhymes]

2. I have no desire to be under the influence of alcohol. I enjoy life as it is. I understand alcohol might make things more fun. But it also makes you look completely stupid. And, with enough of it, it will devour your liver. And it inhibits decision-making abilities and motor skills and all that good stuff.

3. I'm not boring because I don't drink. I know how to have fun, even if my definition of fun doesn't involve alcohol. I like to have fun. I like to hang out with people. No, I don't want to drink. Don't look down on me because of that. I've seen people get excited when they find out that a certain friend of theirs decided it was time to start drinking on a regular basis. Does that not seem like kind of a big "fuck you" to me?

4. I don't enjoy being around drunk people. Why, you ask? Because, from what I've seen, drunk people are caught up in themselves and other drunk people. I try talking in a group of drunk people, I get totally fucking ignored. To be fair, this happens to a slightly lesser extent in any group of people, but it's only enhanced when people's attention spans are exponentially shortened. However, regardless, on the other hand...

5. I won't think you're a bad person if you drink. I used to think this. I decided that wasn't very nice. You aren't any less of a friend, I still want to hang out with you when you're sober, and in fact I wish you drank less so I could hang out with you more! No, I don't want to hang out with you when you're drunk, because from past experiences I predict that I will get bored. You might be able to convince me otherwise, but if you do and then I end up getting lonely because no one can or wants to hold a conversation with the square sober kid, I'll be rather bitter.

Meh, that's good for now. I'll add more if I think of any.


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