Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Pursuit of Happiness (By Doing a Million Things at Once)

Good heavens, Jon is going to be quite the busy guy this summer, what with the video games and such.

But speaking of being busy (even in a sarcastic sense), I'm not quite sure how I'll survive next fall (the first quarter of my second year as a college student). First of all, I'll be starting my music minor (and just filled out the paperwork today), which means I'll be taking 5 music classes which might be a horrible idea since it'll prevent me from working towards my major and other endorsement and heaven knows what else. But I'm pretty sure that minoring in music will help me immensely - in music, anyway. I'm also going to try to be in the viking pep band again which is great fun but sucks away time like none other. AND I'll probably stay in Whatcom Wind Ensemble. Might as well major in music at the rate I'm going.

Aside from the absurd number of music classes, I'll also be (hopefully) taking archaeology (for my anthropology major), plus a mentoring class. The academic work associated with the mentoring class will be nothing, yet the time I'll need to dedicate to the program will probably be substantial. I'm truly looking forward to it, yet I hope I can give it as much time as it deserves. Furthermore, I've volunteered to be on a committee to help students stay with the program after this first year.

And in addition to the classes and mentoring, I've also sort of committed to volunteering for the Child Protection Agency which will only be a few hours a week, but if I have as much homework as I anticipate I will, it might be too much.

Lastly, I'll be in three education-related clubs (as will Jon (Squirrel Baggers stick together!)): DIVE (diversity inspired volunteer educators), SWEA (student Washington education association), and SEE (students for educational equality). I'm secretary of DIVE and, as of today, fundraising officer of SEE. Yes, after only a month of being in SEE, I'm an officer. Not sure how that works, but I'm super excited even though I'll have no idea idea what I'm doing. Huzzah!

So you're probably thinking to yourself, Why did this crazy girl decide to do so much? Well, the answer is that I'm happiest when I'm involved. When I was in high school, I was so intent on getting perfect grades that I took some non-IB classes in order to not kill my GPA, and I devoted my time to homework instead of to extra-curricular activities. I was always so jealous of my peers who got great grades (better or even lower grades than be) but who were so involved with the community. I wanted to be like them so badly! In college, I'm living the dream I've wanted for several years. Sure, I'm working super hard (and taking many honors classes) and my grades are suffering, but I know that I'm making a difference, and I regret nothing.


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