Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Other First Post

Welcome to the OTHER first post. Yes, it is I who came up with this grand idea to co-write a public blog. Jon doesn't know this, but I've had this in mind for quite some time, but I never brought it up until Jon expressed interest in writing. I've kept many journals throughout my life, but I've never stuck with it - maybe because it was too private and I was writing for no one but myself. I love writing FOR someone, so maybe keeping a public blog will last longer than my previous endeavours. And what could be more fun than writing with Jon? It's all a recipe for success.

My current, physical situation says a lot about my life right now. For one, I'm in the computer lab in my dorm building. Why the computer lab, you ask? Well, you see, I had this computer for many years, and then, well, it's no longer with us. Actually, it's in my closet. But yes, it died. So I'm officially one of those dorky kids who spends her time in the computer lab doing homework.

Next to me is an anthropology text book and an assignment I just printed out. Anthropology is my hopeful major, yet doing the exact same assignments each week is making me slightly insane. Love the subject, not the work. Story of my life.

There is an addressed envelope two inches from my hand that will enclose my resume and then be sent to Elma Middle School where I will hopefully get a job working with middle schoolers during summer school. Nobody seems to like middle schoolers much, and when I tell someone I want to teach middle school, everyone gives me their blessings and a pat on the shoulder as if it's the last time I'll see them. Even my past middle school teacher told me not to teach middle school. Let's just say my future will be interesting and bring many surprises.

Then there are my keychain which holds my library card. I'm super excited to read a bunch this summer, and I'll hopefully volunteer at the local library like I do most summers. I'm just that cool. My keys include not only dorm keys but two car keys and a house key and other random keys that unlock something. In a few weeks, I'll be home using those accursed keys and living a life I'm not too fond of.

Lastly, there's my pencil box -- which doesn't say a whole lot about me. Well, I like to write, so I guess my pens and pencils are symbolic of that. Yeah, let's go with that.

And now I must get ready to treck through the rain and cold to two hours of Whatcom Wind Ensemble rehearsal. It seems like the adult members of the band are always pretty enthusiastic and energetic while the students (both of high school and college) are about to fall over from exhaustion. I love college.


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